Cory Howell – Phoenix, AZ
When I’m not enjoying time w/ my daughter or family & friends, I enjoy blogging, golfing, watching sports & growing my businesses.
I’ve been developing websites and performing search engine optimization in Arizona for over 23 years. I love the daily challenges that SEO presents, including the investigative nature of it & creativity required to succeed.
I’m presently Senior Director, SEO at Assembly Global out of NYC, NY (formerly Paradysz + PM Digital + PMX Agency + ForwardPMX).
Prior to joining Assembly Global, I held multiple digital marketing and operational roles at MorePro Marketing in Phoenix, AZ.
Training & SEO Certifications
Related / Family
My sister has recently launched a holistic one-on-one coaching practice in San Diego and is looking for people who are looking to improve aspects of their health or life. Check out her site above.